Department of Nursing Science


The B.N.Sc. programme was developed as a response to the national needs to produce nurses who are highly skilled with a solid science base to be able to carry out and participate in scientific research on human health. 


The philosophy of the nursing profession takes cognizance of the philosophy of education in Nigeria.

  1. The Nursing profession believes that man is a bio-psycho-social being and his needs are the focus of all nursing activities.  Man is a member of a family and families make up communities.
  2. The health care system exists to meet the need of the consumers of health care by providing primary, secondary and tertiary health maintenance  activities to ensure that individuals, families, group  and communities are assisted to maintain a high level of wellness. The profession endorses the Alma Ata declaration which states that primary health care is the key to the attainment of health for all by the year 2000 AD, and beyond.
  3. The human environment is a major factor in man’s health status.  T is therefore necessary to conceptualize the individual and the environment as open system engaged in continuous, dynamic interaction.
  4. University education is the key of the growth of a profession. Optimal professional nursing education can be achieved in an institution of higher learning that provides a foundation for general education in the various sciences and arts.
  5. Nursing is a science based on the knowledge of behaviour that enables changes in the client system to be monitored by utilizing the scientific method of inquiries whilst providing nursing intervention to individuals, families, groups and communities at the primary, secondary and tertiary level of health care.
  6. Professional nursing education is built upon a theoretical base that seeks to develop continuous self directed practitioners, who will advance and test knowledge on which practice is based.  Current health care demands, require an innovative approach in professional preparation, and a curriculum that is responsive to the changing health needs of the society.

(iii)    Objectives

            By the end of the B.N.Sc. programme, the student is expected to:

  1. Integrate concepts and principles from the biological, social, physical and nursing science, in the provision of comprehensive nursing care to individuals, families, groups and communities.
  2. Function effectively independently and in collaboration with other members of health and related sectors in the care of individuals and groups in the community and health institutions.
  3. Utilized the theories and concepts of nursing e.g. Nursing process and other tools of nursing in assisting individuals, families and groups to adapt of changing health needs.
  4. Formulate a theoretical framework that is applicable to the nursing care of clients at the three levels of health care by using tenets from relevant sciences.
  5. Incorporate the medical plan of care into nursing activities to achieve the objectives of the dependent, inter-dependent and independent function of the nurse.
  6. Contribute to the improvement of nursing practice by participation in interdisciplinary research, utilizing the research process and publishing research findings in nursing practice situations.
  7. Appreciate the influence  of culture and habits on the health status of clients and utilize this knowledge in developing skills.
  8. Utilize the principles of management in the administration of health care facilities  and personnel.

Regulations for the bachelor of Nursing Science (B.N.Sc.)

1.         Degree in View

            Bachelor of Nursing Science

2.         Duration of Course

            Five year programme

3.         Admission Requirements

            The requirements are as listed hereunder:

(a)        Candidate must satisfy the prescribed minimum requirements for admission into degree programme of the College.

(b)        Candidates must have five credit passes in the Senior School Certificate or its        equivalent in:

            (i)         English  Language

            (ii)        Biology

            (iii)       Chemistry

            (iv)       Mathematics

            (v)        Physics

            (vi)       And any one of the following Economics, Geography and Agric Science at one sitting.

4.         Direct Entry Requirements into 4 years B.N.Sc. Programme

(a)        Candidate must satisfy the prescribed minimum requirements for admission into degree  programmes of the College of Medicine.

(b)               In addition to (4a) and (3b) requirements, candidates may possess a General  Nurse Diploma  registerable with Nursing and Midwifery Council of Nigeria

(c)                Candidates with General Certificate of Education Advance Level’ or approved equivalent Biology, Chemistry and physics  plus  Senior Secondary School Certificate or its  Equivalent in:

(d)               Candidates with 1st degree in health related disciplines.