Information on MPHIL and PhD Programmes at Lingnan University, Hong Kong


I would like to bring to your attention a very attractive PhD programme that the Research Grants Council, (RGC) of Hong Kong has established: the Hong Kong Phd Fellowship Scheme, (HKPFS), hoping you will kindly share this information with students and graduates who may be interested. I should be grateful if you would arrange for posting up the attached poster. A copy of the Prospectus for MPhil and PhD Programmes is attached for your reference/display as appropriate.

The Scheme is aimed at attracting the best and brightest students from around the world to come for PhD studies in Hong Kong, and I very much hope to have one of yours pursuing this degree with us at Lingnan. Each fellowship awardee will be provided HK$20,000 per month (US$1 = HK$7.8) and the intention is to make this Scheme prestigious and highly international, hence hopefully attractive to you and your students/graduates.

Lingnan is Hong Kong’s only liberal arts university and was named by Forbes as one of the “Top 10 Liberal Arts Institution in Asia” in 2015. Our  small size, top international faculty and strong emphasis on close staff and student relationships offer a unique environment for the pursuit of advanced studies in this exciting part of the world. The University offers MPhil and PhD programmes in the Arts, Business and Social Sciences disciplines. Our top value is student-centred learning hence, for graduates, to ensure close and supportive thesis supervision. At Lingnan, students establish peer-type working relationships with world-class scholars who offer expert and close-contact supervision in their respectiveareas. Our compact working environment where research students relate as peers with world-class scholars has enabled Lingan to maintain a track record in HKPFS Fellowships Scheme. You will get better understanding of the strengths of our various departments from the attached.

Applicants may seek admission to our Phd programmes in two ways as follows:
• Applicants may seek admission via the HKPFS during the period from 1 September to 1 December 2016 (Honk Kong Time 12:00 noon). Students who apply for and do not get the fellowship can still be considered for the regular PhD places at Lingnan.

• Applicants may apply to the University directly from 1 November 2016 to 27 January 2017. Normally, full-time PhD students will be awarded Postgraduate Studentships which offer a monthly stipend of HK$15,760* (amount subjected to review).

*To be raised to HK16,080 after confirmation of candidature.
We also have our popular and excellent research-based 2-year MPhil programmes.

Applicants may apply for admission to our MPhil programmes directly from 1 November 2016 to 27 January 2017.

Full-time MPhill students willalso be awarded Postgraduate Studentships which offer a monthly stipend of HK$15,540 (amount subjected to review).
For more details regarding application methods and requirements, please visit our website at Should you have any queries, you are most welcome to contact the Registry (Tel: (852) 2616 8750; Email:

I would be more than happy to hear from you and your students/graduates

With best wishes