Students are expected to maintain decorum and high sense of moral conduct during examination.

3.1       Examination and Evaluation

Students will be examined and evaluated in all courses registered for. Basic theoretical courses will be evaluated through continuous assessment and end of semester examinations. It is mandatory for students to perform satisfactorily in both the continuous assessment and examinations to progress in the student’s choice of study. Various methods of evaluation to be adopted are as described below;

  1. Continuous Assessment: this may be in form of an assignment, mid-semester test or group work as may be deemed necessary by the lecturer. Continuous Assessment will be employed as a veritable tool to evaluate student’s knowledge and understanding of all they have been exposed to through lectures, discussions, assignments and personal reading. Continuous assessment will not carry more than 40% of the total mark for each course.
  2. Group Work: here, students are given liberty to discuss with fellow group members for individual conclusions to be drawn.
  3. Assignments: these will be graded by lecturers. The university frowns on any student who ‘steals’ ideas from fellow students or plagiarizes. It is expected that all assignments are written in English language. Completion of assignments by students and marking by staff will be tied to time, as deadlines will be given for both. Marked scripts will be returned to students on specific dates to enable students read the lecturer’s comments and evaluation. The university will orientate all appointed lecturers with the principles of fairness, diligence and conscientious service. A process of seeking redress by aggrieved students exists.
  4. Examination: this is used for students’ overall performance during the semester. There will be a mid-semester test and an end-of -semester examination in all courses offered. Students will be expected to make themselves available for those tests and examinations. They will be examined in all courses offered based on the lectures given by the lecturers, recommended texts, assignment and research work during the semester. Each college and department will make the timetable available at least two weeks to the commencement of the examination. Use of mobile phones and other communication equipment will not be allowed in the examination hall as they will be regarded as tools for examination malpractices. Both the examination and continuous assessment will be used for final grading. Examination carries 60%, continuous assessments (Test and Assignments) 30% and class attendance 10%.
  5. Class Attendance: every student must have at least 90% class attendance at the end of each semester. Any student who falls below this requirement will not be allowed to sit for the end -of -semester examination except as a result of unforeseen circumstances which the university is privy to.
  6. Project: a student is expected to undergo an independent but supervised project before he/she completes his/her degree program. The project will carry six compulsory units in all undergraduate programs. No student will be allowed to graduate without evidence of his independent research work.
  7. Discipline: a student may be expelled on the basis of established case of examination misconduct or any actions likely to cause breach of peace. Such actions include cultism, vandalism, or gross misconduct as may be determined by the laws of the university. Such a student will however have opportunity to defend himself before the students’ disciplinary committee. Once a student is expelled from the university, he has no opportunity of being re-admitted into the university again.
  8. Examination Accommodation (Venue) : All University examinations shall be held in halls, lecture rooms/theatres and or laboratories approved by the university.
  9. Students shall be seated far apart enough to prevent cheating and all students shall be visible to the invigilators. Students’ seats shall be arranged to make it possible for the invigilators to reach them with the case.

Attendance: Attendance of students sitting for each examination must be taken before the start of the examination and are also required to sign out after submitting their scripts.

3.3       Handling of Answer Booklets

Answer booklets shall be treated as security materials and it shall be an offence for anyone to put them to other use different from what they are meant for. Students found with unauthorized possession of answer booklets shall be liable to disciplinary action.

3.4       Eligibility for Examination

All students who are duly registered for courses in a given semester are eligible to sit for examinations in those courses except students in the following categories:

  1. Students who have not paid up their school fees and other levies
  2. Students who fail to attend up to 90% of practical/lecture hours
  3. Students on suspension for one reason or the other.

3.5       Absence from Examination

  1. Students must present themselves at university examinations for which they have registered under the regulations. Students who fail to do so for reasons other than illness or accident shall normally be deemed to have failed the examination and will be scored zero. Mis-reading of timetable shall not be accepted as a satisfactory explanation for absence.
  2. Any student who on account of ill-health, is absent from a university examination may be permitted by the senate after considering a report from the appropriate college board, to present himself for such examination without penalty, at a future date provided that
  3. The illness has been reported to the Registrar and
  4. The student has been examined by the university medical officer or a medical report submitted to the Registrar within a reasonable period, not exceeding forty-eight hours of the absence, under this regulation.

3.6       Medical Attention

The university provides 24-hours medical attention to students. During the examination, Medical officers are always on ground at examination centers to attend to emergencies.

3.7       Typing or Dictation of Answers

Where a student duly registered for any university examination and for special medical reasons, desires to use computer or dictate his answer, the Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic) shall, after consultation with the Director of Health Services arrange for the typing or dictation of his answers under supervision, at the student’s expense.

3.8       Specific Instructions to Candidates on Examinations

Students shall:

  1. Use or consult, during an examination, only such books, papers, instruments or other materials or aids as are specifically permitted or provided by the department in which the examination is being held.
  2. Not introduce or attempt to introduce into the examination room/hall hand bags, books, notes, jotters, instruments or other materials or aids that are forbidden
  3. Not enter any examination room with any inscription on any part of the body, e.g. palm, arm, thigh, etc. especially if such inscription bears relevance to the examination.
  4. Not pass or attempt to pass any information from one person to another during examinations
  5. Neither sit in collusion with any other student(s) or person(s) nor copy, nor attempt to copy from another student, nor engage in any similar act
  6. Not disturb nor distract any other student(s) during the examination
  7. Not employ or engage other people to write any university examination on their behalf
  8. Obey invigilators instructions to ensure the smooth conduct of the examination

3.9       General Rules on Examinations

Students shall:

  1. always ensure that they acquaint themselves with the examination regulations and instructions to students.
  2.  attend/report punctually at the time scheduled for their examination papers. No student shall be allowed to enter an examination room/hall earlier than 60 minutes before the commencement of the examination. Any student who arrives 10 minutes after the examination has started, shall be admitted only at the discretion of the Chief invigilator. Such students shall not be given extra time. Misreading of the examination timetable is not acceptable excuse for lateness to the examination hall.
  3. bring with them to the examination hall their writing materials and other materials which are permitted under these regulations.
  4. keep strictly to the sitting arrangement in the examination room to avoid confusion. Chairs arranged in the hall for examination purposes should not, under any circumstances, be removed. Students wishing to do some revision before the commencement of the examination should do so outside the examination hall.
  5. not allowed to leave the examination hall after question papers have been distributed, without being accompanied by a member of staff. Also, no student shall be allowed to leave the examination hall within the first thirty (30) minutes of the examination and thirty (30) minutes to the end of the examination.
  6. use only answer booklets and supplementary answer sheets that carry the college stamp and date of the examination. Answer booklets are security materials which shall be stamped by each college for the next day’s examinations. It shall be an offence for any student to take answer booklets out of the examination hall or put such to use thereafter other than for university examination.
  7. write their matriculation numbers clearly on the answer booklet immediately they are seated and before the commencement of the examination.
  8. place on the table, their university Identity (ID) Card for the invigilators’ inspection at any time during the examination.
  9. observe silence in the examination hall. The only permissible way of attracting the attention of the invigilator is by show of the hands. While the examination is in progress, communication of any kind between students is strictly prohibited. Any student found to be giving or receiving irregular assistance shall be guilty of misconduct for which he/she may be penalized.
  10. not speak in the examination hall as this is strictly prohibited.
  11. not use scrap paper(s). All rough works should be done in the answer booklet and crossed neatly through.
  12. not be allowed to submit their scripts in the first thirty minutes and last 30 minutes of any examination. Students shall remain seated at the end of the examination while invigilators go from row to row to collect answer scripts. It is the responsibility of students to ensure that their scripts are collected by the invigilators before they leave the examination hall.
  13. satisfy themselves before handing in their scripts at the end of the examination, that they have inserted at the appropriate places, their matriculation numbers and the number of questions answered. Except for the question papers and any other material they may have legitimately brought with them, students shall not be allowed to remove or mutilate any paper or materials supplied by the university.
  14. observe the following conditions under which calculator shall be used:
  15. The use of electronic calculators, except programmable ones may be permitted
  16. The calculators must be small (hand-held) and battery/solar operated.
  17. No student should borrow another student’s calculator during examination. This practice shall be construed as giving or receiving irregular assistance during the examination and shall constitute an examination misconduct.
  18. Instruction manuals are prohibited (as these often contain useful mathematical formulae and methods). Calculator packets and containers are also prohibited in the examination halls.
  19. The calculator should be switched off before entering into the examination room.
  20. Only one calculator per student is allowed.

3.10     Penalties for Examination Misconduct

Any student established to have cheated or aided and abetted cheating in any examination or found guilty of being in possession of incriminating materials at the examination, or involved in any other serious examination misconduct before, during or after the examination, including impersonation, shall either be rusticated for a specific period of time or expelled from the university depending on the gravity of the offence.

 3.11    Procedure for Investigating Alleged Examination Misconduct

  1. Whenever a student is caught for any examination offence, the case shall be reported to the invigilator/supervisor in the hall immediately.
  2. The invigilator shall fill in the necessary form reporting the case of examination misconduct and the student shall be made to write a statement on his/her involvement. The student shall be made to continue with the exam.
  3. The invigilator/supervisor shall then report formally to the head of the department of the affected student(s) by submitting all the reports.
  4. The provost will then set up a committee of three lecturers chaired by a lecturer whose rank is not lower than that of a Senior lecturer to carry out a preliminary investigation of the alleged examination misconduct at the college level. Members of the committee shall be from departments other than that of the student(s) affected.
  5. The report of the college preliminary investigation carried out by the committee must be ready within two weeks and shall be forwarded to the vice-chancellor and students’ affairs by the provost of the affected college.
  6. The vice-chancellor on receiving the report, shall send it to the students’ disciplinary committee (SDC) for determination and recommendation to him.
  7. The students’ affairs unit, on receiving the report of the preliminary investigation, will frame appropriate charges against the student. The student will be asked to defend himself/herself against the charges preferred against him/her in writing, submitting a written statement of same. The student will then be invited to appear before the SDC to defend himself/herself verbally.
  8. The students’ Disciplinary committee shall read the charges preferred against the offender to him or her and allow him/her to defend himself/herself in the light of his/her statements which he/she has earlier submitted.
  9. The report and recommendations of the students’ Disciplinary committee shall be forwarded to the vice-chancellor for consideration and approval.
  10. Students may appeal against the decision of the SDC to council within 14 days.
  11. The Vice Chancellor shall forward the decision to Senate for ratification.

3.12     Examination Misconduct and Student Discipline

  1. Any action which prejudices the integrity of the University examination shall be considered to be an academic misconduct and shall be punishable by appropriate disciplinary action.
  2. With respect to all proceedings under the university’s rules and regulations in relation to academic discipline, each student shall be presumed innocent until the contrary is established.

3.13     Academic Misconduct

Without limiting the generality of the fore-going, academic misconduct shall be deemed to include but shall not be limited to the following:

  1. Cheating in examinations, assignments, term papers, reports, projects or any other tests which are to be used in judging the students’ performance in a course or program of study, or on special tests which the university may offer. Cheating includes copying from another student’s work or allowing another student to copy from one’s work, consultation with any unauthorized person during an examination or test and use of unauthorized aids;
  2. Impersonating another student or entering into an agreement with another person to be impersonated for purpose of taking examinations or tests, or carrying out laboratory or other assignments;
  3. Plagiarism, that is, the act of presenting the ideas or words of another as one’s own. The use of another people’s idea or words must be properly acknowledged and referenced. This applies to all written materials such as essays, laboratory reports, term papers, design and other projects, statistical data, computer programs and research results. The use of such materials without due acknowledgement, however is contrary to accepted norms of academic behavior;
  4. Obtaining by theft or other improper means of examination papers, tests or any other materials from other students
  5. Falsifying academic records or submitting false credentials for the purpose of gaining admission to a university examination or any other academic purposes;
  6. Submitting a false medical or other certificates or obtaining such certificates under false pretense for examination or any academic purpose whatsoever;
  7. Submitting an essay, report or assignment to satisfy some or all the requirements of a course when that essay, report or assignment has been previously submitted or is currently being submitted for another course without the express permission of the lecturer(s) involved;
  8. Behaving in a manner which infringes in any unreasonable way on the right of other students to engage in their scholarly work. This shall include the disruption of classes and examinations and the harassment or intimidation of the student or staff
  9. Behaving in a laboratory in a manner which is in serious or repeated violation of safety regulations and thereby creating a situation that constitutes a threat to the safety of individuals or other occupants of the laboratory.

3.14     Disciplinary Action against Examination Misconduct

The SDC may recommend one or more of the following disciplinary actions:

  1. Reprimand: this shall be in the nature of a warning to the student that his/her behavior has been unacceptable to the University and that any further behavior of this sort shall lead to stiffer penalty like Suspension;
  2. Disciplinary Probation: a student may be placed on disciplinary probation by the provost for the balance of the period of registration at the University in the degree program in which the student was registered at the time of the misconduct. A note of the effect that the student is on probation will appear in the student’s file. The effect of being placed on disciplinary probation is that any further misconduct shall lead to a stiffer penalty like Suspension;
  3. Suspension: a student may be suspended from the university for a period which shall not exceed one academic session. While suspended, a student may not register in the university and shall lose the right to attend lectures, write examinations and receive remuneration from university source. Notice of a suspension shall be placed in the student’s file and will appear on any transcript issued during the period of suspension. Upon completion of the period of suspension, the student will be eligible for reinstatement to full academic status and the notice of suspension will be removed from the student’s permanent record;
  4.  Expulsion: a student may be expelled from the university by the vice-chancellor following the recommendation of the students’ disciplinary committee expulsion shall be permanent. A statement of such action shall be part of the student’s permanent academic record and shall appear on all subsequent transcripts.

3.15     The Responsibility of the University

  1. It is hereby declared that while this policy is concerned with the nature and procedure of handling academic misconduct committed by students, the university also acknowledged certain fundamental responsibilities pertaining to such matters. In particular, the university has a responsibility to provide adequate facilities and invigilation for all examinations. Students who are required to write examinations under crowded or otherwise inadequate conditions, may be placed in a position where cheating is very difficult to avoid.
  2. The university also has a responsibility to ensure that the teaching staff uphold the principles of the university and the integrity of the scholarly activity in which they are engaged.
  3. No staff should stop students from continuing with examination for any reason whatsoever.
  4. No staff should tear answer booklets of students alleged of examination malpractice.
  5. Invigilators should avoid wandering while examination is on going 

*3.16   Punishment for Proven Cases of Examination Misconduct

The following are few examples of Examination Misconduct among others

S/NOffencePunishment (Maximum unless otherwise stated)
(i)Non-display of ID cardReprimand/Suspension for one semester
(ii)Noise making during examination/ Disturbance of peaceStrong reprimand/Suspension for one semester
(iii)Refusal to submit oneself for search by an invigilatorSuspension for one semester
(iv)Use of scrap papers with written notes in Examination HallExpulsion
(v)Irregular possession of the University Answer sheets (whether used or unused)Expulsion
(vi)Mutilation or removal of any paper or answer script suppliedExpulsion
(vii)Failure to submit answer script to invigilator after an examinationExpulsion
(viii)Oral communication between candidates during an examinationSuspension for one semester
(ix)Communication involving passing of notes or other accessories to aid performance in an examinationExpulsion
(x)Possession of use of any materials such as notes, scraps, etc. to aid performance in an examinationExpulsion
(xi)Refusal to sit for and/or preventing other students from sitting for an examinationExpulsion
(xii)Smuggling of prepared answer scripts into an examination hall or submission of same under false pretence that they were prepared in the examination hallExpulsion
(xiii)Unauthorized use and/or smuggling of cell phones or books into the Examination hallExpulsion
(xiv)Possession  and/or acquisitions of live Question Paper Expulsion
(xv)Arrangement/Collusion with another person to write examination on ones behalfExpulsion
(xvi)Writing an examination on behalf of another studentExpulsion
(xvii)Assault of Invigilator and/or Examination AttendantExpulsion
(xviii)Absence from examination without due authorityVoluntary withdrawal
(xix)Any other misconduct concerning, connected with or pertaining to an examination (not being one of those listed above). Which is inimical to or subversive of the integrity of the University examination process, shall be an offence and shall attract appropriate sanctions.Ranging from Reprimand to Expulsion

Note: Contravention